Friday, January 11, 2013

Capital - One Last Time

I've been packing a lot lately. (That's an understatement, by the way!!!) I started packing before Thanksgiving, but it seems like all I've done during the past 2 weeks is pack! Pack, pack, pack! Our move is just around the corner. After today, I feel like the end is finally in sight, and I'm on schedule with what I need to accomplish each day to stay on track. So I'm very happy about that!

I was also very happy to see the sunshine today! It's been so, so rainy! I've been wanting to go to the capital building one last time for a final set of pictures, but a few things - needing to pack, constant rain, and a broken camera - got in the way. Thankfully, when the sun came out today, I was able to meet my awesome friend Jane at the capital, and she took some pictures of Claire and me. I'm so, so glad to have these pictures, and I'm so, so glad for awesome friends like Jane!

The other - much needed - break from packing I've had this week was going out for dessert last night with some friends. I'll miss all my sweet friends here! I love you!

1 comment:

Laura Elizabeth said...

Such sweet pictures of you two!! LOVE it!