Monday, September 16, 2013

Iron Chef: College Station - Basil

We had another Iron Chef, and the secret ingredient was basil. I LOVE basil! We had lots and lots of yummy dishes!

Chef Marcie - Basil Chicken with Coconut Curry & Jasmine Rice
Chef Laurie - Panzanella
Chef Julia - Caprese Kabobs

Chef Breanne - Tomato Basil Soup
Chef Holly - Caprese Bites
Chef Nicole - Margherita Pizza
Chef Rachel - Parmesan Basil Dip

Chef Jennifer - Chicken with a Basil Cream Sauce and Margherita Pizza

Here's the crowd, minus the kids who were playing

And the winners are...
Iron Chef Jennifer - Taste (That chicken with the basil cream sauce was excellent!!!!)
Iron Chef Laurie and Iron Chef Rachel tied for Creativity
Iron Chef Julia - Presentation

I had lots of fun and am looking forward to the next one, too!

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