Friday, October 14, 2016

Pomegranates, Galore!

My dad likes pomegranates. He loves them, in fact. He grows them, too. He grows at least 13 varieties of pomegranates. And once they’re ripe, something must be done with them!

Marcus and my dad picked a lot of the pomegranates off the trees this year. I decided I wanted to make pomegranate jelly. So the peeling began! Thankfully, we had lots of helpers.

Over the course of a few days, we spent hours at the sink - picking the arils out of the pomegranates. We had our system down. - And we took care of bucket after bucket of pomegranates!

Each five-gallon bucket of pomegranates gave us a large strainer and a small strainer of arils.

Then we juiced the pomegranates. Thankfully, Dad has a juicer. Keeping the arils coming in, the juice coming out, and dumping the juice into a bigger container was a two-person job. Look at all that trash from the juicer!

Did you know that freshly juiced pomegranate juice is frothy? It is!

And Dad drank the froth!

We had so many containers of juice. We used just a few of them to make some jelly. (Thank you, Pippin, for coming over to share your expertise and for helping us in the jelly-making process!)

Finally, our pomegranate jelly was made! And I heard a few of the cans seal! That was exciting!

 Doesn’t it look great?!! I had a peanut butter and pomegranate jelly sandwich just today for lunch! Delicious!

Note: I also now fully understand why pomegranate jelly costs so much! It is quite a process to get the arils out and ready for juicing!

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