Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving! I am so glad that today all of America will pause and think about what we are grateful for. And I am grateful for the opportunity to do that, myself. I know we should be grateful without needing a national holiday to remind us, but I'm grateful for the national holiday that helps us all remember how blessed we are!

Here are just a few of the things I am grateful for:
people helping each other and being kind
the ability to make my own choices
guidance from the Spirit in making those choices
parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews - all on both sides of our family
beauty - and the fact that it is in each of us, and it is in much of what we see every day
my Savior and my Father in Heaven
sacrifice - ones that have been made in my behalf and ones that I get to make for others
challenges - because they stretch me and help me to grow
time - every day I have here on this earth
the Gospel - and that I know where I'm going when I leave this earth
good health
understanding and learning

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you!!!


Arnold LvE said...

I would say that I am grateful that you are posting on your blog again... ;)

Tasha said...

Happy birthday to you, Julia! I hope you've had a wonderful one!