Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's a ...

... GIRL!!!!

We're so excited! Jordan and I both thought the baby was a girl, and we were right! We just got back from the doctor, where I had an anatomy ultrasound. The baby's heart, organs, and bones all look normal. We're so thankful for that! And we got a pretty definitive look at the baby, so I don't think we'll be surprised with a different outcome at delivery!

I have some ultrasound pictures, but I don't have a scanner. So I'll try to find one, and then I'll put those pictures up.


Mel said...

Now it gets fun! I can't wait to start looking at girl stuff for my new (first and only) niece! I'm finally going to be an aunt!!!!

Tasha said...

Congratulations! Girls are fun...dramatic, but fun. :) Names?

Dillon, Emily, Micah and Naomi said...

YAY!!!!! How fun!!! Girls are sooo fun!!! (and the clothes are WAY cute!)

Laura Elizabeth said...

YAAAAY! :D I can't wait to buy stuff!!! :D HEHE!

emmybalch said...

So fun! Baby Girl Balch and Baby Girl Cooper will be playing double sol at a very early age!