Monday, June 25, 2018

Arkansas 2018 - Everything Else!

On Father’s Day, we celebrated the dads there by being on vacation! And we made some shrimp fettuccine alfredo. (Jordan did not have to cook this night, but he did help by supervising the pasta a tad bit). :)

Happy Father’s Day, Bando! 

On our first trip to Hot Springs this year, the kids and some adults saw Incredibles 2. All the adults got to spend some time at the Buckstaff Bath House. And then we went bowling together.

I played my most horrible game of bowling in a long, long time. Sad.

But we all had a great time!

And we all wore fun socks!

(Yes, we’re missing Chris and Jameson; sorry, Rebecca!) :-) 

We stopped on the way home to eat at Froggy’s, which happened to be the same building where we ate four years ago - only then it was a different restaurant!

Back at the house, Aunt Mel came through with things to do. We worked on this tablecloth again. We also played card games, worked on a puzzle, and watched some of the World Cup soccer games.

The kids loved seeing Uncle Sam, Aunt Carolyn, and “Uncle” Josh.

 These guys went golfing one day.

And on their way home, they stopped at the Cooper street sign for a photo opp. (Way to go, guys!) 

On our drive home, Present and Fluffy Dog had a turn driving, and then they hung out in the front with Dad and Grandpa.

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