Thursday, June 28, 2018

Ellis Family Goodbye Potluck

The Ellis family was one of the first to welcome us to our new home in Frisco last July. They lived across the street and one house over from us. They have twin girls who are about Claire’s age, so when we moved in, she had instant friends. They also had some older kids who babysat for us, so when we got home, I just walked outside and watch them cross the street. Laura Ellis became an instant friend for me, as she checked on me and encouraged me while I began teaching elementary school, and she was always there to help me with Claire and Dayton if I needed someone in a pinch. John Ellis came over late one night to give Claire a blessing, since Jordan was out of town, and Claire was sick. I so appreciate the Ellis family. They moved to Kansas a few weeks ago. They will be missed here, but I am happy for their new adventure. Before they moved, we had a goodbye potluck for them at church. I snapped just a few photos. Thank you to the Ellis family. Thank you for loving and ministering to all around you. Your example of ministering is a lesson for me. :-)

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