Thursday, January 13, 2011

Keep Your Pants On!

I know it's just an expression, but Claire really does need to keep her pants on! I put her down for a nap one day this week, and she didn't go immediately to sleep. That happens sometimes, so I usually go back into her room and put her down again, and then she generally goes to sleep. Well, this time I found her without her pants on! She looks so proud!

P.S. Today when I went back into her room to put her down for her nap again, she was sitting up, and one of her legs was hanging out of the crib. I tried to keep a straight face - to stay in my "you should lie down and go to sleep" attitude - but I couldn't. I just had to laugh. And then Claire was really proud of herself!


Lee Hervey said...

She IS SO proud of herself!! And well she should be. Undressing herself at 9 months old. What a smart baby!!

Laura Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness!!! She's the cutest girl in the world!!!! :-)