Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Shooting Range

While in Dallas, Jordan, Peter, Marshall, and Matt went to the shooting range for some guy time. The first time they went, I asked Jordan if he wanted to take the camera, and he said no way! Later, he said that I could come and take pictures, but I would have to shoot. That was fine with me! So Peter, Jordan, and I all went the day before we left town.

The gun was big - too big for me, I think. It was heavy, and it had a big kick. Peter and Jordan had a system where each of them would shoot 12 clay pigeons in succession, and then they'd switch shooters. I tried to join that rotation, but after 6 pigeons, I was ready for a break. I ended up only shooting at 12 clay pigeons in all because that was plenty for me. - My arms and my shoulder had had enough. (And yes, I said that I shot at those clay pigeons because I didn't make contact with any of them. Oh well!)

I've never been the best at directions, but I made sure not to shoot north! (It was nice of them to tell me that north was to the right!)

Jordan was ready,

and he did a great job at hitting the targets.

(The clay pigeon in this picture has been shot!)

And here's Peter: Ready...

FIRE!!! (He made contact with this one, too!)

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