Sunday, July 1, 2012

Laura's Visit!

Laura came to visit us last week! We went on some fun outings -- to the indoor park, to the children's room at a local museum, to the farmer's market, and to the mall play area and food court. (We had some other things planned, but we didn't feel like being outside in the HEAT!) We also made some chocolate chip banana bread with Claire's help. YUM!

She snagged the spatula at one point. - She knows what's going on!

We also decided to make menu planning boards - one for each of us. At first, I thought it would be pretty easy; after all, the post I saw about it on Pinterest made it look quite simple. - Boy, was I wrong! We worked on it all week long, and we finally finished on Thursday. We kept saying how glad we were that we actually started on Monday because we hadn't realized that it would take us so long to finish! We also agreed that neither of us would have done this project on our own. - So I'm so glad we could encourage each other to get started on this project and to keep going when we wanted to throw in the towel! {My crafting history is simply that I don't make many crafts, and I generally don't love the way they come out if I do make them. But thankfully, I really do love how this one turned out!}

So here are our final products.

The clothespins are for each day of the week. The bottom box has meals to choose from in it, and the top box has the meals I've made recently in it. On the back of each meal card is a list of ingredients so I can easily make a grocery list after planning our menu. And the different colors of cards indicate different kinds of meals - like Mexican, home cooking, Italian, sandwiches, etc. I think they turned out great!

I've hung it up, and we've started using it! I love it! 

And here we have Aunt Laura and Claire! We are all so glad that Laura could come and visit us!


Mel said...

I like that menu board!

Tasha said...

I love that! Great idea!