Monday, December 3, 2012

Tag - I'm it!

I've been tagged! 

Each person must post 11 things about themselves, 
answer the questions the nominator asked,
and create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
Then, choose 11 people and link them in your post.
Go to their page and tell them.
No tag-backs.

11 Things About Me

1. I try my best to give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm a pretty positive person, and I feel that assuming the best about others helps me be more positive and more optimistic.

2. I love Christmas! I love Christmas music! I love Christmas cards! I love Christmas giving! I love Christmas movies! I love feeling the Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Christ so abundantly this time of year!

3. I have packed 12 boxes so far for our upcoming move. - I need to get busy!

4. I like to get up and get ready for the day. I don't like to hang around in my pajamas.

5. I find myself wanting to spend more time with my Baton Rouge friends before I move away. I want to be involved and plan times to get together and take advantage of the time we have left here.

6. I think BJ's is a fabulous restaurant! All Mexican food aside, (I have been living in Louisiana for the past two years, after all), I really love BJ's. I love the chili, the balsamic glazed chicken, the barbacoa tacos, the pizookies, and so much more!

7. I rarely make it to bed before 10pm.

8. I love the state of Texas. - You know, I REALLY LOVE TEXAS! I love the roads, the schools, the people, the lone star, the vastness, the goodness, the Mexican food, -- and the fact that our next address will be in that great state of TEXAS!

9. I make a weekly to do list that I refer to all week, but I rarely accomplish everything on the list in one week's time.

10. I loaned my Josh Groban Christmas CD (Noel) to someone a few years ago and can't find it now. My music is gone from my computer. Does anyone have it? I'd love to get it back....

11. I hate parallel parking. I'm no good at it. At all!

My answers to Mel's Questions:
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?  Has your dream come true?  -
A choir director and a mom. Yes, my dream came true! I taught high school choir for 6 years and LOVED it! And then I had Claire and have been staying home with her since. I love that, too!

2. What is your favorite recipe to make?
My Grandmother Hervey's apple pie recipe. It's such a family favorite, a tradition at holiday meals, and loved - and devoured - any time it's made. I also love knowing that it's from Grandmother Hervey. It brings back great memories. I can just see her meticulously dotting the butter on top of the crust. Wonderful.

3. If you had an extra $500, what would you do with it?
Use it to help with moving costs.

4. What has been the favorite class you've ever taken?
Maybe Choral Techniques - great music, great friends, great professor, great fun

5. What is your favorite book?
I don't think I have a favorite book. 

6. What tv game show would you like to be on, and why?
Definitely Wheel of Fortune because I think I could do pretty well on it! 

7. What is your best talent?
Teaching music - Just yesterday I taught a piece of music to some girls at church, and one of the leaders commented that I'm good at that. Another leader said, "Maybe it's because she did that as her profession." It definitely comes easily to me. I also love conducting; I never had to practice for my conducting classes in college much. It just comes so naturally to me. I love that.

8. What is one thing you would change about yourself?
To not be so exact at times

9. What is your least favorite holiday, and why?
Maybe St. Patrick's Day - It's not that I don't like it, but I just like lots of holidays. I don't have anything against them, really. St. Patrick's Day has the least significance to me out of all the major holidays.

10. If you could go back to school and study anything, what would you study?
I would study choral conducting for a master's degree!

11. What do you like to do most in your free time?
In my free time, I like to do something for me. Whether it's blogging, baking, practicing the piano or organ, reading a book, or taking a nap, I like it to be for me. That sounds pretty selfish as I write it, but I guess my point is I don't feel like I get crazy amounts of free time very often, so if I do have a few minutes, I try to squeeze in a blog post or practice a hymn or read a chapter in a book. It's nice to have me time when I can.

My questions for the next group of people:

1. What is your most used kitchen appliance? (I'm not talking about the fridge, freezer, microwave, or dishwasher here).
2. What do you do to treat or pamper yourself?
3. Are you planning on making any Christmas gifts? If so, have you already started?
4. If you had to choose only one music album to listen to during a week, which album would it be?
5. How frequently do you wash your car? (or have it washed?)
6. If you had an extra $500, what would you do with it?
7. Do you have any moving boxes you can give me?
8. What is your favorite meal of the day? Why?
9. What kind of student were you?
10. Where do you like to vacation?
11. If you were invisible, where would you go?

And finally the people I'm tagging. I'm not doing 11; in fact, I'm only tagging 2 people. But if you weren't tagged and you want to play, go for it!

Laura - The Tovar Times
Tasha - The Busy Booths


Liz Marshall said...

I have Josh Groban Noel! I can send it to you if you want me too!

Mel said...

Thanks for playing along. It was fun to read your answers!