Friday, June 25, 2010

Three Months Old!

Claire is now three months old! I feel like I say this a lot, but I can't believe three months have already gone by! She continues to be such a joy to us. She smiles more and more, and she recognizes our voices and our faces. We really do have a great time with her! This week she has gone back to "talking" more to us. I love hearing her sounds!

She is generally a very happy baby girl, (and I'm so thankful for that!!) But this week she has seemed a little bit off. She has been a bit more fussy and has needed a bit more help getting to sleep for naps during the day. After a couple days of her being just a bit "off," I decided to see if she's teething. - And she is! She's getting a tooth!

I texted Jordan yesterday and told him about my discovery, and he didn't believe me. He came home completely expecting to find nothing sprouting in Claire's mouth. But when he looked in her mouth, he couldn't deny the tooth that's coming up on the bottom right!

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