Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Birthday, Julia!

After our Thanksgiving feast, we rested (and digested) for a while. Then it was birthday time! That’s right - my birthday was on Thanksgiving this year! I love it when that happens! And Dayton’s birthday will sometimes be on Thanksgiving, too! Hopefully he’ll like it, as well!

We ate the yummy chocolate sour cream pound cake that Jordan made for me. Claire asked why there was a hole in the cake. (My Big Fat Greek Wedding……) Jordan and Claire sang Happy Birthday, and then Claire asked about candles.

So Jordan got some candles out, and they sang again.

I tried to blow out my candles. I really did. There were only four. But I guess my abdomen couldn’t handle that less than a week after my c-section.

I finally got one candle, but then the laughter came.

And it didn’t stop! I had to rotate the cake and blow out one candle at a time.

And even that took lots of effort!

Finally, Claire helped me by blowing out the last candle. And see the tears on my face? That’s what a good laugh can do!

I had a great birthday and Thanksgiving. Thank you!

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