Friday, June 27, 2008


Jordan got tickets to the Rangers vs. Braves games in Dallas for his birthday. His favorite baseball team is the Braves, and Marshall hooked us up with the tickets. (Thanks, Marsh!!) So many people were able to enjoy the baseball games!

I just love patriotism! This flag was furled out on the Tuesday night game!

Here are some of the people who came to the games.
Julia and Jordan

Laura and Matt

My dad, Steve, Timee

Marshall, Jennifer, and my dad

Mel and Stephen

And Justin. Justin lives in Arizona, and he caught the t-shirt!!! He said he had to bring something home for his mom. I wonder if she ever got it...


3D said...

nice blog

Dillon, Emily, Micah and Naomi said...

I love updates! I am glad to see that we can "be in touch" even if we do live in the same city. Love you, Jules!
