Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wedding: Pregame ... Getting Ready

The morning of the big day Marianne came over and did Laura's makeup. (And can I just say that Marianne had a baby NINE days before this?!!! And she lives in Washington State! She is amazing! It meant so much to Laura to have her there. Thanks, Marianne! Wow!)

Laura is still getting dolled up.

And now she is all dolled up!

Then Laura, Mom, Jennifer, and I went to get our hair done.

I asked one of our hairstylists to take a picture of us. - This is how it turned out.

So then we asked a different stylist to take our picture. She was very detail oriented. She suggested we go outside, and she fixed our jewelry, our clothes, and dust and cobwebs from the things behind us. I'm so glad we got this picture because it's really good, and it's WAY better than the other one!

Next Stop: The Temple!

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