Wednesday, May 25, 2011

14 Months

Wow! Claire is 14 months old!

She's such a happy little girl! And she loves her dad! (It was great that he could be home today, so he made Claire laugh, so I have some very smiley pictures from today. I'm so glad!) She does this dad cheer quite often. She says "daaaa da, daaaa da, daaaa da" - in rhythm, most of the time! She just started it herself one day, and now it is quite a fun thing that happens lots of the time! She just LOVES her dad, and she says his name quite often. I think she's hoping that he's home. And I love it that she lights up completely when he does come home.
Claire's a pretty good eater, but she only eats what she wants to eat. And when she's finished eating, she takes off her bib. That's how I know she's finished. (That's quite helpful at times!) She's figuring out how to communicate more and more - with or without words. Some other words she says often are "mom" and "more." When she says "more," she makes a fish face along with it. It's pretty funny. I'll try to get a photo or a video of it soon!

We love you, Claire-girl!


Liz Marshall said...

She has gotten so grown up! What a cute little girl!

Anonymous said...

She is getting so cute. love you Claire-O