Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lessons: Summer Fun

I've started having little classes with Claire. She gets so excited when I say it's time for a class. Her eyes light up, and she smiles, and she wants to know what we're going to do. I took the idea of having lessons with her from my sister-in-law, Mel. I'm also using the curriculum from her curriculum blog from a few years ago. - Thanks, Mel! This week we started with a theme of summer fun. {The really cool thing is that I randomly decided to start this last week, and it just so happens that I'm starting the same time of year that Mel started. - So all the holidays and seasons will go perfectly with our schedule!}

I'm not going to blog about our actual lessons or the curriculum, {you can find that on Mel's blog, after all,} but I'll post some pictures of what we do throughout the week. Claire certainly had fun this past week talking about the sun, reading books about summer, and doing some fun activities. Here are some highlights.

Claire LOVED painting a sun!

We glued sun rays to it another day. {When she sees her sun now, she keeps asking me where the glue is!}

I think playing with water, ice, measuring spoons, and measuring cups was her favorite activity of the week. - Just look at those bright, excited eyes! 

And then she was super pleased with herself when she thought to step in the water, too!

And today Claire went fishing.

She caught one! 

We've had fun having class this week, and I hope I can stay on top of it as we continue. It's been nice having something planned each day that really interests Claire.

1 comment:

Mel said...

You must've read my mind! I was just getting some stuff together to start back up this week. I'm glad you and Claire are having such a good time and that my lessons are being utilized again.