Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thankful for: Friends

Today I'm thankful for friends. Friends are good to have. I'm thankful for the new friends I've made since we moved to Baton Rouge. Having friends has been very important to me this past year (year and a half), as I've been in a new city, I became a stay-at-home-mom, and Jordan has been very busy with school and clinicals. It's nice to be able to go to the outlet mall with a friend, have friends over for dinner, go to midnight movies with friends, and simply talk -- and be -- with friends.

I'm also thankful for the friends I have from previous stages of my life: friends from growing up and high school, friends from college, friends from work, friends from church in Dallas, Lubbock, and Houston.

I'm also thankful for Jordan's friends and that they want him to go hunting and golfing with them. I'm thankful that they are good to Jordan.

I'm thankful that Claire is beginning to understand a little about friends. I'm thankful that she knows the names of the children of my friends. So when I say we're going to see a certain person, she quickly responds by saying the name of that person's child(ren). I'm thankful that she's learning that it's fun to play with friends.

I'm also thankful that I get to be a friend. I know I don't always make the biggest effort to continue to communicate with my friends, especially those from life-stages that seem so long ago, but I'm always so happy to hear from my friends or see my friends. So friends, I'm thankful for you! You all have no idea how frequently I think of you!

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