Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankful for: Parents

I am thankful for my parents, for Jordan's parents, and that Jordan and I get to be parents. Parenting is not always easy; I have learned this during the past two and a half years! But it's still wonderful. It requires lots of hard work, sacrifice, patience, and humility. It requires standing your ground when you need to and relaxing when you can. It requires lots of love, energy, creativity, and playtime. It requires assembling things with lots and lots of parts and having plenty of batteries on hand. It requires making something out of nothing and using imagination to develop amazing worlds to play in. It requires teaching - every chance you get. It requires learning - be ready because it's coming. It requires everything. But you get MORE than everything in return. The blessings are boundless. Immense. Immeasurable. Uncontainable. Unimaginable. And we've only just begun.

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